We All Scream For MyPheme(.com)!
I'm excited to say that a piece I wrote called "Hair: The Non-Musical" has just debuted as a Featured Essay on MyPheme.com.
What's MyPheme, you ask? I will tell you now.
MyPheme.com is a brand new and very cool humor site whose mission is to tell it like it is. They also have a sassy broad in their banner. Both of these facts appeal mightily to me.
I hope you'll take a moment to slide over there and read the essay. I can't make specific promises, but it's highly likely that doing so will increase your personal chi, give you six-pack abs and elevate you to president of your condo association.
If you need further enticement, I will say this: it's not very long.
Thanks, as always, for your support!
I've always wanted six-pack abs. I'll have to go read :)
Congrats!!! Off to read...
OK...I'll bite! :-)
I'll check it out. Thanks!
I'll go read!
It worked! Wow, I never thought I'd have a flat stomach again! Thank you!
Going to check it out!
They picked up one of my articles as well. Love that site.
That was hysterical. Although I couldn't possibly identify. I don't own 3 Tweezerman tweezers; not me. I've never had sadistic Korean ladies with no visible pores (let alone amok facial hair) wax my downy cheeks (hey, I said FACIAL hair; why are you smirking over there?), and I certainly never ran a vibrating Schick Turbo Quattro Sensor Mach 5 over my jawline. That must be tough on you, dear.
the nonmusical hair!
Cool site.
When I think of you, this is the piece that always comes to mind -- it's like a sampler of your talent!
Congrats!! On my way now...
Today Mypheme and tomorrow The New Yorker.
Yep. I'm going to check it out!
I have an uncle who, years ago when I was a child, told me that he made up the "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" chant. I believed him, and told people this fact whenever I heard them recite the line.
Man, I must have looked like a idiot...
This is my first connection to your blog. I connected to the other one and read it too. Great blog.
I'm sure you and I being of different sexes this probably doesn't apply to you, but I know that any time I have prefaced an activity with "If you need extra enticement, It's not very long" it has not ended well. I mean, if never ends well anyway, but that really doesn't have the desired effect. Or any effect. Damn it.
OMG, Anna...I laughed out LOUD when I read that piece....and almost pee'd my pants....
which,by the way...could you do the next one on THAT subject????
It is a masterpiece..hilarious post!
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