Last week, Winston the Emo Beagle swiped some clothes
from the laundry basket and chewed them up...
from the laundry basket and chewed them up...

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I've been spending a lot of time over here lately. I think you'll like it, too.
You sure it wasn't a weiner dog?
I'm pretty sure it was a pair of boxers, actually.
I'm thinking your husband will be hanging those babies out to dry on the clothes line for years to come...
Dogs have such a great sense of inappropriate.
Well, at least the beagle's getting his fiber.
Polycotton fiber. But still... embarrassed for you!
Wow. So this is the type of thing the beagles are plotting while they're laying on top of the doghouse. Looks like they've come a long way from the old 'chewing the shoes' fetish.
Man, control yourself woman.
Passive aggressive behavior
"I'll show him who the alpha dog is"
Well you know how I feel about beagles so I say GO WINSTON!
First, I LAUGHED OUT LOUD at the "panties".
And then I blushed like a schoolgirl.
You are amazing.
More like blinded by the light, because it's kind of like how Bruce Springsteen's jean always had that worn-out spot from holding back those engines.
Yowza! What would the Dog Whisperer say about this?
okay that was good.
My dog has an addiction to our underwear too....
I have seen a few boxer-briefs like this in my lifetime! LOL
That made me really and truly LOL...
Thanks for stopping by my SITS day and commenting. I really appreciate it!
I'll make this brief...Heeeheheeehe! Great!
Have a super day!!!
Baa ha ha... that's hilarious. How do dogs know exactly where to cause the most destruction.
Now, if the hole was in the backside of these bloomers, we would know what REALLY knocked a hole in them....
You must keep those forever.
Why oh why do dogs like that area? Wait...never mind, I know.
Whaaaaaaa??? Hope he recovered! :-)
Guess your beagle knows where you keep the snausages.
Ha! The last bit made me lol!
I just wanted to thank ya'll for poppin' over with your sweet comment.
In the words of old Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!"
OK, tell the truth. Jon Bon Jovi is really the underwear bomber, isn't he?
I actually had to show this one to Big Daddy!
Crotchless underpants are so sexy and tasty, apparently.
(I'm just guessing about that last part. Sort of.)
Well, that answers the burning question - boxers or briefs?
Anna, I think the Dog Whisperer would say "Ouch!"
That was certainly my first thought.
Chewing through Nordstrom underwear? I'd be rethinking that dog.
He chewed through Nordstrom unders? I'd be rethinking that dog.
Ah ha! The boxer bomber!
OMG, I just about spit out my water. Hysterical. I can only imagine the tall tales your hubs will tell. Ah ha ha
Gotta love them pets...a dog I had in Florida once took used feminine protection out of the garbage in the house. Ayayay...
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