I was just filling out our census form here (I see that they have once again neglected to include "hillbilly" as an option among the race choices, dagnabbit), and I realized it was about time someone did some high-powered ciphering here in the blogosphere, too, if only to make sure we don't run out of French onion dip at BlogHer this summer. (Seriously, not a risk any of us should be willing to take.)
And so, for the good of the blogosphere, the Internet and salted-snack enthusiasts everywhere, please take a moment to share your answers to the questions below. Please note that your responses will be held in the strictest confidence, provided we don't tweet and/or Facebook them.
All righty, then! Here we go...
The 2010 Blog Census
1. How many blogs do you have?
a. None
b. 1
c. 2
d. 17
2. How many readers does your blog have?
a. 0-1
b. 1-2
c. 2-3
d. 10,000+
3. How would you describe your blog? Check all categories that apply:
O It's a mom blog.
O It is NOT a mom blog!
O I review books.
O I review other people's reviews of books.
O I take eye-popping photos of food that is so beautiful, it could not have been prepared without divine intervention.
O It's a crafts blog.
O It's a forum for lively political debate.
O It's my pulpit.
O All Twilight, all the time.
O It's where I indulge my passion for ___________ (insert hobby).
O It's a humor blog.
O It's not a humor blog, but for some reason, people keep laughing at it.
O It's a place where I can tell stories.
O It's a place where I can tell stories about my in-laws.
O It's not really a "blog," you know? I mean, I'm not one of those blogger people, but it's a little place where I can post photos of my kids for the grandparents to see, plus share a couple of recipes. Oh, and when I see a movie I really like, I talk about it. I also vent about the freaks at my job sometimes, but I don't use my real name on there so that's all right. I also paint. Watercolor. Sometimes I share one of my paintings, but then I almost always take it down right away because I'm shy. I got a really nice comment once, though, about one of my paintings. It made my day. I printed it out and put it on my fridge and sometimes when I think about quitting, I see that comment and I think maybe I'll make another painting. It's not a real blog, though. It's just a place I made where I have my stuff.
O All of the above.
O Other.
4. How often do people ask you what this "blog" thing is that you're doing OR ask you when you're going to "post a new blog on your website?"
a. 3-4 times per month
b. 5-7 timers per week
c. 8-10 times per day
d. hourly
5. What is your ultimate goal with respect to blogging?
a. To bring back culottes.
b. To recruit followers to my army of cape-wearing perfume spritzers.
c. To vent enough steam that I can resist shooting up my local post office.
d. World domination.
Thank you for taking the time to answer this short questionnaire.
You will be contacted by

And Now...The News
Bitchin' Book Alert
Beth Kephart's anticipated young-adult novel, THE HEART IS NOT A SIZE (named to the coveted Indiebound list for Spring 2010), will be released March 30, and is now available for order. From the jacket flap:

Georgia knows what it means to keep secrets. She knows how to ignore things. She knows that some things are better left unsaid. . . . Or are they?
When Georgia and her best friend, Riley, travel along with nine other suburban Pennsylvania kids to Anapra, a squatters' village in the heat-flattened border city of Juarez, Mexico, secrets seem to percolate and threaten both a friendship and a life. Certainties unravel. Reality changes. And Georgia is left to figure out who she is outside the world she's always known.
Beth Kephart paints a world filled with emotion, longing, and the hot Mexican sun.
Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Beth's writing is evocative and soulful and no matter whether you qualify as a "young" adult or not, I'm confident you will love her work.
And don't forget to visit Beth's blog, one of the most thoughtful, illuminating destinations on the Web.
Incoming Contest!

Don't you just love a contest? I don't, but whatever. Anyway, I'll be holding a big ol' contest here very soon and I have a feeling it'll be a real barn-burner, so heads up!
More BlogHer Sessions Announced
BlogHer just announced more sessions on the BlogHer '10 conference agenda, including another round of Room of Your Own sessions. You can read all about them here.
Special congratulations to my friend Florinda of 3Rs Blog, who will be making her Bl

And Thank You...
...to Dusty Earth Mother for giving me the Beautiful Blogger Award (as opposed to the Haggard Blogger Award, which would be more accurate).
I'm going for world domination. All the way, baby :D
I am really looking forward to reading Beth's book. And of course putting it in my classroom library afterwards ; -)
Horrible person that I am, I am just plain envious of everyone who gets to attend blogher in NY. I skip all paragraphs that have anything to do with the event to keep myself sane and untraveled on the rock.
Bringing back cullotes. Now I have a goal for 2010. THANK YOU!
Can I be you when I grow up?
Can't wait for the results of your blog-census.
It should be as useful and informative as most government census results.
But a lot more entertaining.
If I could achieve world domination through my blog that would be great. That way I would never have to actually, you know, like talk to anybody about it. Or, even worse, listen to their complaints. I could just write up an entry and my word would be law.
Thanks so much for giving me a new goal! As a token of thanks, I would promise you that my first order of business would be put 'hillbilly' as a category on the new census, but since I hate paperwork, there just won't be any more census taking. We'll never know how many of them and their kin are out there.
Oh, you are so dang funny.
I love the census, and I actually had fun doing it. Yup, I completed it, couldn't help it, those empty black dots were just shouting out for a No. 2 freshly sharpened pencil.
Thanks for the fun this morning, you never disappoint.
Awesome: I always have strategically place bowls of Funyuns around my house. Always.
You never know when they'll come in handy.
And you know what? I've had them there for years and I *still* don't know when they'll come in handy.
Fortunately, I think my BlogHer session is scheduled for right after lunch, but good to know you'll be there with the emergency rations, Anna! :D And thanks for the shout-out.
I just finished reading Beth Kephart's last two novels and will be sure to pick up a copy of The Heart Is Not a Size.
I'm venting to save numerous people, not just post office workers.
Thanks for reminding me that mine is sitting in the to-do pile.
Every day that goes by without sending it in I feel so dirty and rebellious.
Gotta get my kicks somehow :-)
Right now I have 1 and 1/2 blogs - in the process of converting to Word Press. Talking about wanting to go postal...
ummmm.... i thought culottes WERE back. i'll need to change my wardrobe choices for blogher.
thanks for the book suggestion!
Does this mean I am now eligible for free money for blogging and get insurance and benefits as a recognized blogger? Money can be sent to my PayPal account.
Awesome. and More Awesome. Anna awesomeness.
and how you managed to wood-panel your blog? Its just perfect.
I don't have a blog.
I look awesome in culottes.
Was that the correct answer?
All of the above.
I already dropped that blue tablet in my potty in hopes that you would come visit me. No? Oh well, my husband will appreciate it anyway.
Beautiful or Haggard, you are the funniest thing in culottes. XXOO
Umm....is there any way we can vote you into office? I'd like to see your suggestions put into motion asap. We have ten years before the next census. Let's kick this into gear!
yow. wow.
thank you!
I think I officially want to be counted now.
Hey! This is the same census form I got, but I received it twice since Texas had such low numbers, plus mine was sent to the Dept of Homeland Security because I'm on the terror watch list for wanting to bring back culottes.
Hmmm...I was quite surprised by selection (answer choices) in the most recent census. I don't think there were even half as many options in the one I had to help my parents fill out when I was a kid. Teehee...
I so dig your census questions!!!! I just found out that although there are only 10 questions this census year, that RANDOMLY, 75,000 surveys are mailed out every month that are very, very long. You can also get both of these (census and the survey). So, back to your questions, I liked them much better than sharing how many bathrooms I have in my home....
Thanks, I enjoyed your blog and will visit again. You may or may not like my post on Darwin if you care to check it out. Good to see someone doing a census on blogging, I had been curious about blog sites and thought to do a survey looking at random sites, but your 'census' is a good idea.
I too am looking forward to the day culottes come back. I would never personally wear them but am anticipating breaking out into laughter whenever seeing some poor schmuck do so.
I still claim to be blogging for world peace.
I was really ready to fill out a blog census form! But I think I enjoyed this MUCH more.
And I preordered Beth's book so it should be to me SOON.
How about world dominion while wearing culottes?
Looking forward to hearing Florinda!!
World Domination, baby!! One J. Crew tee-shirt @ a time...
You are fabilis, BTW.
Can I just say...all of the above! And I'd love to get the haggard award....I feel haggard today!
That made me laugh out loud! Thanks for making my day! Waaay better then the regular census that is being shoved down my throat. "We can't move forward...until you mail it back!" :)
Is it wrong to admit my goal is:
O to have you whip me a a piece of beef jerky. In my dream of dreams, it'd Spicy 'n' Sweet flavor; I'm just saying. Got to set the bar high.
Or Funyuns. I like it when they feel all prickly and stick to my tongue.
Mmmm... cape-wearing perfume spritzers.
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