Thursday, April 30, 2009

Powerless Over Hash Browns: A Limerick

Please forgive
the short post, but I've had to go out of town suddenly to help with a family medical emergency. I hope to be home and back in the saddle very soon.

(As you can see from this morning's inspiration, if I keep stress-eating at the current rate, I will need a bigger mustache by the time you see me next.)

In the meantime, though, I wanted to send a humble thank you to BlogHer for selecting my recent post, "Wham. Bam. Mammogram," as BlogHer of the Week. I am truly honored.


Tom said...

Breakfast limericks are the perfect post for when you are in bind for time. I hope things work out for the best with your family emergency.

Unknown said...

Love your verse : ) Know that you're not alone ...

Hope things get better with your family soon : )

shrink on the couch said...

Hope all is well wherever you are headed. (And you could use a little meat on your moustache).

Phat Mama said...

Hashbrowns are crunchy heaven.

Have a safe trip!

The Mind of a Mom said...

I hope things get better soon for your family.
Take Care of yourself

Amy W said...

These tasty treats haven't brought on poetry yet, but they have managed to ingratiate themselves into a regular spot on the breakfast table since Trader Joe's started stocking them in the freezer section. :)

My thoughts are with you and your family- hope everything works out well!

Vivian Mahoney said...

Safe travels and comforting thoughts.

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

All the best--hope all is OK!

And congrats on the BlogHer post!

jubilee said...

I love me some hash browns. I also like a good limerick. Boy did I happen on the right post today - two for one! Way to go on meetin' the needs of your adoring public.

Ann Imig said...

You've had quite a run of it, haven't you.

Warm regards,

DouglasDyer said...

They go straight to your thighs? I've never been jealous of hash browns before. WINK!

When Pigs Fly said...

Great limerick. Hope life gets a little easier soon.

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL even in a hurry you're hilarious. I hope all is well with your sorry there is an emergency. And I'm not the least bit surprised the featured that post...all of them are excellent...but that one was a work of art. Although even after all this time I'm still laughing about the facebook thing

Fragrant Liar said...

Yay! Congrats on being blogger of the week. It's shake 'n bake and I helped!

Hope all works out well and fast for you.

Mary K Brennan said...

I suddenly have a hankering for some breakfast food. It's 8:30 at night.
Have a safe trip. Hope everything goes well.

Swirl Girl said...


Hash browns are in my favorite food group: The To's Group .
= chee, fri, dori and pota

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Good luck with your family emergency!

tera said... made me laugh out loud! I wish I'd found this at the beginning of my work day and not the end!, I'm not blogging from work, why do you ask?

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Hope all is well soon. Take care...

mommy4life said...

Congrats on your BlogHer award. I love hash browns, but can't eat them. Sigh! Hope the medical emergency is soon resolved positively!

Swirl Girl said...

I thought I left this comment earlier, but I don't see it.

Hash browns are clearly one of god's gift to food.

they are part of my favorite food group: The To's group = chee, fri dori and pota!!

Sydney said...

I saw that, congratulations. Hope that things are OK and that you hang in there.

Prometheus said...

Congrats on the award. Best wishes to your family. I hope everything works out well. Keep spitting that funny stuff :)

Jay said...

I hope things are okay.
Thanks for entertaining with breakfast foods.

Pseudo said...

Congrats Anna!

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, I hope it all gets sorted and that you and your loved ones are OK.

Big hug,


A Cuban In London said...

I hope things get better with your family soon. Hash browns, I love those little darlings.

Greetings from London.

wenderful said...

Enjoy the hash browns and don't fret about the calories. Stress is an excellent fat burner.
I hope things get better with your family Anna.

Susan Blake said...

Congrats on your honor - and best of luck with your emergency - hugs and prayers being sent right away!

OneZenMom said...

Hoping everything is okay with the family! Wishing you all well!

Jeanne Estridge said...

Short, but very funny.

Good luck with the family....

TexasRed said...

Hope everything is ok with your family.

Just posted about the Chicago BlogHer meet-up and included a link to your page:

La Belette Rouge said...

Hashbrowns contain SSRI's and anti-anxiety properties. Sending good thoughts and virtual tater tots. Miss you. We must lunch when you return. Oui?

Kulio said...

Best wishes! Good for you for "being there" for whoever needs you - glad you made the decision to go.

I have a love-hate relationships with those greasy rectangles of crunchy/crispy wonderfulness that you regret every single time.

CaraBee said...

Hash browns are little fried bits of heaven. And that limerick ain't too shabby either.

Here's hoping the family emergency resolves itself quickly and satisfactorily!

Rhea said...

Fun limerick...and I hope everything's ok!

Sue Wilkey said...

Hope all is well- don't sweat it- we'll all be here when you get back :)

musingwoman said...

Thinking of you and your family.

P.S. Hash browns are love

Marinka said...

I hope that things are ok and congratulations on your award! You totally deserve!

MuseSwings said...

Your Wam Bam post actually deserves the Blog of the Decade, but we shan't fan our noses at blog of the week either. I'll keep an eye on your hashbrowns for you while you're away. I hope all is well and that you'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Take care and see you when you return.


Lynn Kellan said...

Hi Anna,
I just discovered your blog - and I'm stayin'!! I hope everything is okay with your family. :)

BrightenedBoy said...

I just wanted to let you know I have a new blog. Go to my profile to find it!

Beth said...

Hope all is well! And your poem was lovely. Simply lovely.

Vodka Mom said...

Those hash browns? Yeah, my ass just grew three sizes. (I feel kind of like the's a hash brown miracle.)

good luck.......

Pseudo said...

I've got a cute little award for you at my place. COme on by when you get back.

jb said...

Great little post hit the spot. I hope that all goes well and everything will be fine with your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take good care and remember you’re not alone in this big world.


essbesee said...

Best to you and your family. xo, s

Elaine at Lipstickdaily said...

Lots of warm thoughts your way.

lisahgolden said...

Hope all is okay. Congratulations on being selected as a Blogher feature! That post was great.

CDB said...

That mammogram post was hilarious. You deserve it.

Good luck with the emergency but don't replace the mustache.. we would never recognize you.

Meg said...

Isn't this called product placement? JK.

Hope all goes well with your family.

Maura said...

I love hash browns! (If it's fried and bad for you, it's probably one of my favorite foods.) And someone mentioned they are at Trader Joe's now. I wish I didn't know that.

Hope all is well with your family.

April said...

Congrats on your award, and I hope everything's okay with your family.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Have a safe trip.

Hash browns rock. I can't seem to make them without burning them. So I always order some when we go out to restaurants that serve breakfast.

Real Live Lesbian said...


Mmmm....bacon and hashbrowns. I wanna marry them both.

Ash said...

Hmmmmm - greasy goodness. Excellent!

Hope things are working out well. Looking forward to you being back with good news - safe travels - Em

Andy - Instafather said...

Hope the emergency is taken care of now...

I loved that Mammogram post, too. One of your very best, and I don't say that lightly.

jb said...

Anna, thanks for dropping in and leaving me a comment. I hope that all is well with you and your family. Can't wait to read a new post from you. Take good care of yourself.


Unknown said...

Good luck with the family medical emergency, hope all is well.
Just think, if you got a bigger moustache you might never need to dress for dinner ever again...

Hammy said...

Hola, Anna


I've given you the Honest Scrap award. Come check it out here

jubilee said...

Again, with the "bacon." You are a woman after my own bloggy heart. BG