Thanks to Rockin' Robin
For both of you those of you who've been asking to know more about me (at least, that's how I'm interpreting your requests for me to "write something normal for a change"), Robin at Robin's Chicks just posted her interview with me.
Robin is a gracious, considerate interviewer and only broke me down to tears a few times. (Actually, I blame one of those instances on her dog, Yvonne, who chewed through some plastic wrap and consumed two pounds of deer sausage shortly before my arrival.)
Anyway, thank you so much for interviewing me, Robin!
Fun Fact: Robin and I share the same birthday. So there you go.
P.S. I just learned that my "New Astrology" post is being syndicated by BlogHer and will appear on their home page this Friday. Wow - thank you, BlogHer!
Hi Anna! Can't wait to read the interview! And congrats on your new horoscope thingy being posted on BlogHer! Awesome! I just know that sometime in the very near future, I'll be telling all my friends...."Oh yeah, I knew Anna back BEFORE she was famous!!"
Gonna go check out the interview -- love the new horoscope post...good choice by BlogHer!!
The horoscope goes viral! Woot Woot!
Hi Anna, nice blog & good post. You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
I told you that post was beyond awesomeness. Congrats!!
That post rocks! ...back to tend my voles.
Looking forward to checking out the interview, too.
Thanks for the shout out!
And now you're on your way to Dayton, OH, garden spot of the universe....
Great interview, Anna! Yes, you are. You are an interview, indeed. Whee.
Oh good, I totally wanted my feelings about the Libran horoscope, a la Anna, to be validated. So yeah, cool.
I'll check out yer interview.
You are just a bit amazing, arn't you. I like amazing.
Hi Anna, I just wanted to let you know that I have a little something for you over at my place when you get a chance to visit.
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