Here are headlines from just a few of the stories our spunky LJKGW cub reporters are pursuing right now:
Scientists Isolate Elusive Renaissance Faire Gene
Employee Bludgeoned in Cubicle with
Rolled-Up Motivational Poster
Mother's Sarcasm Backfires
When Friends Stick Heads in Ovens
New Age Movement Loses Key Territories to
Slow But Relentless Old Age Movement
Apple Introduces App That Automatically
Adds Suffix "-ista" to Your Occupation
Twitter User Condenses ULYSSES to
140 Characters - Accidentally Makes Sense of It
Hacker Infiltrates Flickr, Replaces Unattractive People
With More Pleasing Stock Photos
Hugh Hefner's New "Playboy Voles" Venture
Off to Shaky Start
Middle-Aged Vampires File Age-Discrimination Suit,
Cite Unfairly Unrealistic "Hawt" Portrayal in Movies and Media
More Outbreaks of Spontaneous Tap-Dancing Reported
as Researchers Probe New California-Based Strain of
"SAD" or "Sunshine Affective Disorder"
Employee Bludgeoned in Cubicle with
Rolled-Up Motivational Poster
Mother's Sarcasm Backfires
When Friends Stick Heads in Ovens
New Age Movement Loses Key Territories to
Slow But Relentless Old Age Movement
Apple Introduces App That Automatically
Adds Suffix "-ista" to Your Occupation
Twitter User Condenses ULYSSES to
140 Characters - Accidentally Makes Sense of It
Hacker Infiltrates Flickr, Replaces Unattractive People
With More Pleasing Stock Photos
Hugh Hefner's New "Playboy Voles" Venture
Off to Shaky Start
Middle-Aged Vampires File Age-Discrimination Suit,
Cite Unfairly Unrealistic "Hawt" Portrayal in Movies and Media
More Outbreaks of Spontaneous Tap-Dancing Reported
as Researchers Probe New California-Based Strain of
"SAD" or "Sunshine Affective Disorder"
Stand by for developing stories...

Can You Hear Me Now?

If there's one thing I love, it's a badge. Here's the one I just got:
Yes! The show is Sunday, May 1 at 3:00 pm and you can find all the details - including links to the Los Angeles-area writers who'll be reading - here. Also, tickets are available in advance and can be purchased here.
It's going to be a lovely experience - just the kind of event you can bring your mother to and score major bonus points that you know you're going to need down the road. A portion of the proceeds go to both national and local charities (details at the website) and your ticket price includes a reception following the show where we promise to look the other way while you fill your handbag with extra cookies (so bring the big one).
Huge thanks to National Director Ann Imig, Los Angeles Show Director Lisa Page Rosenberg and Los Angeles Show Producer Leane Vandeman.
I hope to see you there!
Thank You!
I want to thank all of you, my alluring, hard-bodied readers, for staying with me even though my posts have slowed considerably in the last few months.
I have been furiously writing (and finishing!) my second novel, to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. (Picture the Bride of Frankenstein in a bathrobe for days on end and you'll have some idea what a lucky man Jon Bon Jovi - not my husband's real name - is.) I will keep you posted on all of that, of course, but I hope you know how much it means to me that you are here. I treasure you guys...truly.
And Thank You...
To Carolyn Watson-Dubisch at Living It Up In Bankrupt California for the Stylish Blogger Award, which I aspire to deserve.
My favorite is the Ulysses headline. I've tried to read that sucker at least five times.
And I'm looking forward to LTYM here in Austin. I'm not brave enough to read, but I'll be there cheering on the women who are.
He he he, now if someone can retweet that Ulysses tweet!
Love the headlines - I'm gonna say I'm a momista on every form I fill out from now on!
I treasure you Anna Lefler. I most certainly do. You and any candy with citric acid.
xoxoxo and thanks for the shout out.
:bludgeoned to death with rolled up motivational poster:
Yeah, I'm not quitting ya anytime soon.
You're too funny.
"New Age Movement Loses Key Territories to Slow But Relentless Old Age Movement"
Where else could I go and get gems like that? I've missed you, glad to know that you're alive and kicking. And writing. Second novel?? Where can I buy the first one?
I am so worried my son inherited a Renaissance Fair gene. I really can picture him eating turkey legs and climbing a Jacob's ladder, all while yelling, "What say you?"
Jealous, jealous of LTYM. What a kick ass show that will be. I'll have to settle for watching it online, with a mouth full of raw brownie.
The Renaissance Fair Gene - brilliant. I am sewing a crushed velvet bodice as I write this.
Very exciting about your second novel - and LTYM will be fabulous, of that there is no doubt.
Also. Thank you for calling me hard-bodied.
Here's hoping that we'll get a sneak peek at your upcoming book! I *knew* there had be a good reason for your recent silence.
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