I was thrilled to be invited to read last month at Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write, which has to be the warmest, most vibrant and most fun room in all of Los Angeles. (Those of you in the area, you can keep up with Vicki and WWW events by connecting with her through Facebook. Her monthly salon must be experienced to be believed!)
It was an honor to share the podium with Vicki (reading from her very entertaining forthcoming novel DON'T JUMP), Sandy Helberg (whose credits are too numerous to list here, but include the Mel Brooks classics High Anxiety, History of the World: Part 1 and Spaceballs) and Dina Kucera, author of the powerful and funny EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED TO BE.
Here I am reading "Wham, Bam, Mammogram" and wearing an electric-orange sweater that can be filed under "Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time." I hope it gives you a chuckle!

Jim's Journal Is Back!

Beginning this week, Onion founder and generous LJKGW interviewee Scott Dikkers is once again drawing his wildly popular cartoon strip "Jim's Journal." You can read the new strips at GoComics.com and you can enjoy all of the Dikkers cartoon creations at Dikkers Cartoon Company. Welcome back, Jim!
Listen to Your Mother - Los Angeles
It's not too late to make plans to attend the show this Sunday, May 1 in Los Angeles. Did I mention the reception afterward featuring fresh, handmade tortillas? *swoon* You can find all the details and purchase advance tickets here. Hope to see you at the show!
Anna, That was a fantastic story and reading. I had my first love affair with "the machine" at the young age of 28. Twenty years later and "the song remains the same!"
I loved that story when I first read it on your site and it was even better hearing you read it. Very, very funny. (And how much of a high was it to make that room laugh?)
You are rad.
oh my god that was hilarious!! I especially liked the font you chose although I'm pretty sure I would still need my glasses!
Oh and P.S. I'm having a $50 Target GC giveaway! Come enter, it's for a good cause!
Anna, you are a god. Goddess. Something way above me.
Very funny. :-)
I'm always amazed when the technicians tell me not to move and not to breathe -- who can breathe, and where do you think I'm going with my tit caught in this thing?
I bow before the power sweater. Awesome job! :-)
That was fantastic!!! I've been thinking about writing something just like since my last mammogram. Talk about painful. My feeling on it is if men had to do this, they'd figure out a way to make it far less unenjoyable.
Love seeing you be funny in person. Especially talking about the girls. Which, by the way, look very nice in orange. Ok, that just sounded weird.
Lovely to "see you" in person! Hurray for multimedia.
PS- I don't think the orange shirt is bad.
Tortillas?? That's like rubbing salt in the Can't-Attend-The-Show-Because-I-Live-In-New-England wound.
I'm dying to see video...
Yeah, I heard about those bad mammo-grammas. Huh, good thing us guys don't have to do that in our guy places. Oh, Owww, take me back to the sweet days of inquisition!!
Good story, thanks for the mammories.
Great blog, keep up the good work x
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