Do you ever get the feeling that somewhere on the other side of the country people are pushing a giant yellow likeness of your head down the street?
I know. Me, too!
At first, I thought I was just paranoid, but then my dear friend author Beth Kephart shot the photograph you see on your right and posted it on her most excellent blog.
Yup, I thought when I saw it, that's the one. (It's like nothing at all has changed since my third-grade school portrait.)
But, Anna, you might ask, why did Ms. Kephart post a photo of your parade-float noggin on her blog?
News That's Even Bigger Than My Chicken-Wire Head
I'm thrilled to share with you that I recently got a book deal and I am currently putting the finishing touches on a humor book that will be in stores nationwide this October.
The book's title is:
It's a humorous dictionary that contains hundreds of the words and phrases women use, along with their "definitions." I'm having the best time writing it!
I will keep you posted along the way, of course, and as the publication date nears, I'll also be sharing sneak peeks of some of my favorite definitions.
The totally normal-sized-headed Ms. Kephart (whose highly anticipated 13th book YOU ARE MY ONLY will be released this October as well) very generously posted about CHICKTIONARY on her blog and said some really nice and completely unsubstantiated things about me that I greatly appreciate. For all the details and links, please click through to her post. (BTW, if she asks about the flatbed trailer I borrowed back in February, please play dumb. Thanks.)
In the meantime, huge (and I mean huge) thanks to Betsy Amster of Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises and to Diane Garcia at Adams Media (a division of F+W Media). I am beyond grateful to them both for many, many reasons.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you (yes, you). Thank you for reading, thank you for subscribing and thank you for bringing your particular brand of awesome to my rumpus room. Without you, it wouldn't be any fun at all.

Damn, girl.
I be privileged to know thee and to bring my fineness of eye and writerly apptitudes to your pile of plaudits.
This is awesome! I am so excited about your book. Way to go, Anna!
Well, you know what they say, "WOW, LOOK AT THE HEAD ON THAT ONE!"
Srsly, congrats n the body. You do realize that while I might eventually own a copy, I won't might could use those words if women use them. So I'd be buying the book completely out of a show of support.
Did your friend Beth just call me a plaudit? Is that good - or not?
congrats little lady! i cant wait to buy it!
I've already congratulated you on this, but once more - congratulations! I'm so excited for you.
And having recently met Ms. Kephart in person, I can confirm that her head is indeed normal-sized; however, her hair (like mine) has a natural tendency toward bigness.
Congrats on the book. I can't wait to laugh at it. I mean, with it. I mean at you. You know what I mean.
I'm jealous of the head thingy and the book deal. Possibly more the head.
I'm so proud of you Anna. I adore you and I can't wait to read it.
Lol! Thanks that post made me laugh and smile...made my day in fact:)
It's a good day to get back to the blog. Congrats Anna!
You mean people are not pushing a giant likeness of my head down Main Street?! That's disappointing! I am looking forward to purchasing your book..we giant-headed beings must stick together..Congratulations to you! You deserve the giant head!
I love when good writers get book deals, instead of say Snooki.
Congratulations, and I can't wait to read it.
I can't wait. Soon I will know what a Z-snap is.
Congratulaions! I love this type of book and am really looking forward to getting a copy. You go, girl!
Yay Anna Yay! (Hey, that's a palindrome! I'm a palindromist and I didn't know it! Gnome it?)
I expect the value of my gold mustache keychain dangler to SKYROCKET now that you're going to be all "published" and "famous" and whatnot. Yay me! I mean, yay YOU!
I shall start composing my eBay mustache listing now....
I like it when nice things happen to nice people.
I love it when good things happen to good people.
I go crazy with glee when awesome things happen to awesome people.
And I go apeshit crazy when asskickin stuff happens to asskickin people.
SO very, very happy for you, and it couldn't happen to a funnier,wittier, kinder woman.
I know it's hilarious, can't wait to read it.
heehee..to what hokgardner said.
I'm pretty sure I don't have a Z-snap but I'm thrilled beyond thrilled to have known you before your head got so damn big.
Way to grab some words and get published. Can't wait to buy it. Who knows? I may even read it out loud to my husband. I think he'd like that.
That. is. huge. (The head. But also the book deal.)
Congratulations. Well-deserved. Cannot wait to read it.
That's beyond fantastic news! Holy ass slappin' congratulations!
Anna, terrific news! Congrats, and I hope your publishing success doesn't give you a big head. I mean, bigger.
I'll want my copy autographed!
Congratulations and YIPPEE! This is fantastic news, and I hope you are having a ball with the writing. The book sounds like great fun, and I can hardly wait to read it.
You are the only person who could bring this particular brand of awesome necessary to this book.
And a paper maiche head.
SO PROUD TO KNOW YOU!! So proud of you and it is a thrill to watch your dreams come true!
I am so happy for you I just shvitzed on my flatbed truck. (No, I also have no idea what that meant.) Congrats a million times and so richly deserved.
Congrats on the book deal! So happy to hear of another blogger having success in the publishing world since my agent has nothing but gloom-and-doom news to report when it comes to nonfiction these days.
Great news, Anna! Woo hoo!
Congrats! Now I expect to see a giant papier mâché and chicken wire book by October.
I would never have made the connection. That float is missing a fake mustache. It's all in the details.
Can't wait to hear more about the book!
Terrific! Couldn't happen to a nicer . . . you know. ;)
That's great! I'm down for a copy. You think the giant head could sign it for me? The hands, I mean? With a giant pen?? That'd be awesome. You think the rumpus ladies will let little Bobby get off the stairs to celebrate the book's publication?
Hot damn, Anna! I am so excited for you!
Don't let it get to your head...or your ass because those rumpus room chairs are unforgiving :)
Once again...Congrats!
This is so fabulous! You absolutely should be writing a book. I can't wait to read it. For all of your totally cheap blog readers out there, you'll have to do a giveaway.
Fabulous news! Congratulations!
(And that's just about the head. I can't even think of words to cover the book deal.)
Congrats, Anna, love the title and the idea for the book :)
I am so happy for you!!!
About time a blogger with some talent got a book deal. You rock, Anna!
Congrats on the book deal! Lemme know when I can pimp it out on my blog!
I'd read a few of your tweets about Chicktionary and I was dying to get over here to hear more. That is so friggin' awesome. I WILL BUY. It sounds like it could be my new "this is your wedding gift instead of that overpriced quesadilla maker' item.
So much fun. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it.
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