Thursday, January 22, 2009

Poster Child

Coming To A Power Pole Near You

Regardless of your politics, you can't argue with the fact that a certain campaign poster was the hands-down winner in the recent Presidential election.

So, graphic arts enthusiast that I am, when I had the opportunity to create my own version of this iconic visual piece, I was all over it.

But wait.

What was my word? My message? My mission statement?

This would require some thinking, and anyone who's read even a couple of my posts knows one thing: I'd rather be doing something else (other than thinking).

So I borrowed a word from the hallowed tradition of advertising:

I don't know. It felt a little...forward.

So I tried another sure-fire advertising nugget (it shows up a lot in the Auto Trader, anyway):

For some reason, Jon Bon Jovi thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. (You know, if he's got something to say, he should just say it.)

Morticia and Gomez came up with this one, apparently based on the phrase I use most throughout the day:

Naturally, I exercised my executive veto on that one.

So then I took a deep, meditative breath and went with the first word that came to mind:

Kind of a downer.

Seeking fresh ideas, I called a few friends and asked what word they thought best described my general position. The results were unanimous:

Fine. What the hell do they know?

The right message - my message - still eluded me.

It was at this point that I figured I'd fall back on a tried-and-true approach that's never let me down through relationships and parenting and a dog's breakfast of careers.

That's right, I hauled out a rigorous, scientific method known as "hit or miss." Because I can't always get my hands on quality...but I can do quantity 'till the cows come home:

* sigh *

None of these were working. Crunch time.

Dang it! I paced. I tugged at my hair. I chewed the hem of my jeans.

And then it hit me. Of course! It had been right there under my big nose all along!

* You can make you very own images here. (Prepare to kiss off several hours of your life.)

I have to share this post by the consistently hilarious Marinka at Motherhood in NYC. I laughed so hard I scared the dogs, who then bit me. She'll be hearing from my lawyers.

And thank you to VaBookworm at
Confessions of a Bookworm for this little beauty:

She says she's painfully shy but she also claims to spend a lot of time shooting a bow and arrow in her backyard. A woman of mystery and contradiction. Visit her blog if you dare.


Pseudo said...

I think the "Sex" one was the best, especially with the moustache. Or you could caption it "Mustache Rides"

A little '80's lingo methinks

DiPaola Momma said...

oooo ooo oooo.. how about "Tired? Free, Wierd, Sex.. What's that smell?" I'd click on that add for sure.. um does this mean I have to go back to the couch? Really there is nothing wrong with me, I promise.

RachelW said...

Beautiful! I love it! I have to agree with pseudonymous, the Sex one was probably the best-- certainly the catchiest! Now I shall definitely have to go waste several hours of my life, to create my new Facebook profile picture perhaps?

Lynda said...

Love the signs!

MommyTime said...

Well, "Nachos" goes nicely with the mustache if you are ever auditioning for a spaghetti western. My personal favorite, though, is "Latte" -- for no particular reason except that graphically it works nicely with the image somehow, and it makes no sense at all.

I loved that Marinka post too.

Ann Imig said...

I read manipedi but thought 'biped' also an effective slogan.

Ann Imig said...

I agree on Marinka and think the same of you!

shrink on the couch said...

I agree with Pseudo - always go with your first instinct.

wenderful said...

"Sex" is always eye catching. "what's that Smell" would be appropo at our house too.
That's a fun site.
As always, you have genius-y humor!

OneZenMom said...

I was going to vote for "sex" ... until you came up with the inspired "weird". Perfect. We also would have accepted "laugh" ... because that is always what you make me do. :)

Michelle said...

Dillweed? Classic. :)

Kimberly said...

I think the sex one is best too.

You are too funny. and thanks, now I'm going to be stuck playing with my own signs...

Unknown said...

good post! LOL.

Jeanne Estridge said...

I can't believe you didn't go for "FUNNY". It's certainly what comes to mind when I think of you!

Swirl Girl said...

dillweed? is that the sanitary version of dickhead?

Marinka said...

I love them all. I tried to make my own, but because of anti-semitism (I didn't have Adobe flash) I couldn't do it.

Thanks for linking to my post!

Amy W said...

I like the "What's that smell?" one.... made me think your mustache needed a cleaning. Which made me laugh. Because what else might you be using it for? ;^)

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you combine the first two and go with FREE SEX. I think that might get some attention. I'm guessing it doesn't respresent your message, but it sure would get people to look twice.

Anonymous said...

Latte, hands down. Or mustache up?

Hilarious post as usual...

The Blue Ridge Gal

Vodka Mom said...

mine would say....Dangerous. Just ask anyone in this godforsaken place.

cheatymoon said...

Mine would say... oh, nevermind. It would never be as good as "nachos". You are hysterical.

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Too funny!

Everyday Goddess said...

I love coming here! YOU are brilliant!

nikkicrumpet said...

I don't know...for me when I saw that picture..and "Dillweed" just clicked! Thanks for always making me is a beautiful thing...the sound of my chortling's music to my hubbies ears. If I'm laughing...he knows I don't expect him to communicate.

♥ Boomer ♥ said...



What about MYSTERIOUS?


Or not.

Beth said...

Trucker? I love that one! It reminds me of when I was in 3rd grade and I wanted to quit school to be a.. well a trucker! True story. But not as funny as yours.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Oh this is embarrassing. All along I thought your message was "Mongoose". Just goes to show how much you know someone...

mielikki said...

those are fabulous. Must go play over there now...

the mama bird diaries said...

I like the "tired" one. but you are right. a bit of a downer.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

These are great pics. I'll take Dillweed for 100, Anna.

I wonder if your expression would change if it said "Diarrhea"

Fragrant Liar said...

I'll go with GENIUS-Y. It's so . . . YOU!

I have spent several hours on the Obamicon site, and so have all the rest of my family. I made them. They thanked me later.

:) KJ

Ash said...


Oh my word, I'm crying!

The Wife O Riley said...

What about..


Not Angelina

Welder by day, Dancer by night

Renee said...

Sweets, you look awesome.

I needed you today. Thanks for being there. xoxoxo

Love Renee

Belle said...

I would never have recognised you!

Anonymous said...

I like the time and dedication put in to this post. Shouldn't it be chowdahhead?

♥ Braja said...

Sex was the best. Deal with it. :)

Unknown said...

Dang it....I've wasted two hours messing with my bbmcclainicon. Thanks Lefler.

Joanna said...

*hee hee* Now there's a poster I can get behind.

Renee said...

Har har. I fucking love it. I just got it (the title). It cracked me up.

Love Renee

Lizzie said...

thanks, like i had nothing better to do today then make obamafied posters of myself! oh well, i should just give in, i know i want to.... off i go! :)

love the dillweed one :)

Lizzie said...

now i'm addicted to the dumb program and made like a million, my daughter is all excited too and made a few... thanks :-/ guess i'll have to change my profile pic :)

The Staley Daily said...

Stopping by from SITS, I love all your slogans, creative to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Dude!! Can I call you that? I mean we're both in LA right? Anyway - this post should be nominated for an Oscar! I'm not kidding...rarely do I laugh out loud while reading blogs - this one did it for me!

I have seen too many of these self-Obama-portraits on blogs since election day but this one was IT!

Hilarious and fresh!! It needs to be stumbled or twittered or all of those other things I don't do but someone should.


HumorSmith said...

I think "It's not your father's mustache" really brings home the message, but then again, perhaps it is. Have you tried Nair?

Gladys said...

So why not do a whole Andy Warhol montage? Sex Drugs and Rock and roll? Wait that was the Rolling Stones. Or was it Andy Stoned? Obama Stones? Gosh I'm confused now. I choose B

Unknown said...

I was rooting for dillweed. A classic. DO you mind if I borrow it for mine?

The Staley Daily said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I noticed you have a nice little blog following. I'm trying to get the word out about finding pins for the Special Olympics. Is there any way you could support my cause and put a post up about it? It would be greatly appreciated :)

bernthis said...

I'm going with the "bitter" one for me. No need to go and waste creating it when the perfect one for me is already out there

DiPaola Momma said...

Well I'm already raising my four.. what's one more? Have coupon binder will travel. The only hitch is IF you do participate in my contest.. AND win.. then you have to get me a book deal and call me Dr. Phil-amena, invite me on your talk show and let me tell everyone else what's wrong with them, while I pack my yap full of HoHos and vodka.. Kay?

DiPaola Momma said...

Okay I just HAD to send you this link.. me thinks mayhaps you'd have say un opinion? Yeah I'm jonesing for a good laugh.. and you are my dealer babe!

Anonymous said...

I'm heading on over there as I am social outcast today

jori-o said...

I thought for sure I'd see "hairy"...or maybe "hairLESS"? Did I miss it?

Marie Reed said...

Holy Cow! Wierd takes the cake! (a chocolate cake with oodles of frosting)

Beth Kephart said...

Maybe you should spend less time reading Auto Trader, more time reading, I don't know, perhaps the great poet Jack Gilbert?

Stacy Uncorked said...

Sex...or Dillweed...what about Dillweed Sex? ;)

Thanks for the laugh! ;)

efaqffqaewfm said...

I'm partial to Dillweed myself lol I'm gonna have to go play with that program now ;o)

Temple said...

lol--hilarious, as always! I kind of liked the Nachos one...I think it goes with the mustache...or maybe I'm just hungry

Mammatalk said...

Lady, you are too funny!

Thanks for visiting me on my big, bloggy day! :-) I needed all the hand holding I could get!

Cassoulet Cafe said...

You're "weird" is our entertainment!

Mommy with a Penis said...

Brilliant idea. My thumbnail pic on Facebook (like soooo many others) is in this fashion. And I of course put under my pic:


Leon1234 said...

Hey, how are you doing? Hope all is well.

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh "Bitter" is my favorite one, by far!

Nicole said...

You are too funny! Loved it.

Anonymous said...

The Ninja one was awesome!

Julian Meteor said...

That is NOT a real moustache!!!!!!!LOL

LTYM said...

Hell, I'd vote for you.

"Sunshine" said...

Anna, I have an award waiting for you at my blog. Enjoy!

Lucia said...

Chewing the hem of your jeans is not good dental hygeine, you know.

Loved these! Where in hell do you come up with this? Now I shall go and waste, er, spend gobs of time on obamicon, whatever its called.
I love Nachos anytime!

Rachel Cotterill said...

It's all very Andy Warhol, though you need to get some more lurid colours for the true Marilyn Monroe effect...

Debby said...

Should have gone with 'funny'.

Blicky Kitty said...

I think you can't deny the important social message of "what's that smell?" It pretty much says is all. How about Andre the Giant or Not a Murderer?

Hee hee I'm having fun reading all these suggestions too. My favorites are Mongoose and I just can't say that other word out loud...

My crazy crazy life said...

Okay, hands down the funniest post I've ever read on a blog...I'm not kidding...I was cracking up!!! You're hilarious!!! Can you get your own sitcom...I would TIVO that fo sho!!!

Unknown said...

Oh I love it... I am off to piss away several hours of playing with pictures... Have a great weekend!

Jewel Allen said...

Thanks for a link to more blog time-wasters. :-)

Kristin said...

I love the picture of the runover road cone!!! That made me laugh!!!

cakid said...

You ruined my entire afternoon yesterday ...forcing me to make's for EVERYONE I know. Plus, they weren't properly effusive in their thanks which means I wasted a LOT of energy which I should've been directing to the mortgage-refinance-man who I was SUPPOSED to be talking to for OVER TWO HOURS on the phone!!!!! BTW, I love your blog. :-)

cakid said...

One of the funniest posts I've read in...well, a long time! The site is a serious time thief - thanks!

*jean* said...

i liked bitter and what's that smell the best....i tell my kid this all the time....just remember, EVERYBODY is somebody's weirdo...