My son Gomez is a sentimental romantic to the core. Always has been.
For years now, I've said that one of these days some woman is going to come along and break his big, tender heart to bits.
(It will be easy to spot me in the subsequent two decades' worth of family photos; I'll be the one wearing the orange jumpsuit with "California Dept. of Corrections" stenciled over the pocket.)
Come on, I remind myself - he's only ten. Even though he's confided in me about a couple of schoolboy crushes, he's more consumed with baseball and Legos than with games of the heart.
Thankfully, dating is years in the future and Gomez remains snug in his unjaded, little-boy view of romance and evidenced by the illustrations on his school Valentine collection bag I found the other day while tidying his room:

Yep. Everything is juuust as it should be.
Hilarious - also ironic, because that's exactly my view of romance.
My son wrote stories about boy meets girl, they get married, but then someone dies.
I love this kid!
I wish my kids saw it the way yours does!
My eldest is 13 and has been "at school" dating a girl for three months now. Keeps trying to talk me into letting them go out on dates. The answer is and always NO! "You're only 13"
My youngest who is 6, wants to marry ME when he grows up because he loves me so much. And we have agruements all the time about why he can't do that!
So, you can see I wish I had those little pictures hanging on my wall.
Awww! I love your son!
To his credit, he probably would've regretted ending up with a girl with an alien on her head anyways.
Unless, of course, that's a gingerbread cookie. In which case, his loss.
"Back off, freak!" bahahahaha!
LMAO at the headgear in the second drawing. This is priceless.
I was always the aggressor in this scenario.
Is there still a skull and crossbones halo over my head?
Is the little girl wearing a puppy or a baby on her head? Not that it matters...
Phenomenal. And frighteningly, not unlike most of "The Bachelor" installments...
Can Gomez start making t-shirts? Because I'd buy. Or maybe limited edition prints? He's a good artist, wears his heart on his sleeve and is a romantic attracted to mean girls instead of the quiet ones who'd have crushes back but would never let him know. Sigh. Any chance he went to P.S. 220 like forty years ago?
I remember doling out Valentines day cards in elementary school. I'm surprised, with all the political correctness going on, that the schools still support this practice. Nice!
this made me really LOL!! my eight year olds are just getting into all this lovey dovey stuff...kind cute and scary (for me) at the same time. Son #2 proposed on the bus to his sweetheart...she turned him down...said she's marrying her brother :)
that kid has talent!
Wow! Those pictures could be straight out of my marriage!
I love it. I have similar feelings about my children and dating. Although I must admit that I have specific requirements for my daughter.
Any boy that wishes to take her hand must defeat me in single combat. I figure that should help to weed out the weirdos.
I'll admit, it was startling to see such poignant renderings depicting my first two marriages but Gomez does have a brutally honest style...
Oh, he is going to be just fine. Look at that skull and cross bones on her head.
He knows what it's about.
He will be juuuust fine.
Nice drawings! I'm sure the kid will grow up with your sense of humor in spades. He will do just fine in the love department.
Sadly, even at my age I am just like Gomez. Kinda wish I'd kept the attitude he evinces now.
That is hysterical. Hopefully those little ladies will steer clear for a while longer from him. I'm already dreading my little dude dating and he's not even 2 yet. HA!
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