...of the guest post I have up over at the amazing Scary Mommy's place today. (Thank you so much for having me, Jill!)
I hope you'll click over there and read it and - while you're there - read about Jill's jaw-dropping spontaneous outreach effort that raised more than $20,000 to provide Thanksgiving dinners for families in need. I said she was amazing, right?
Thank you to KATU-TV's "AM Northwest" morning talk show for having me as a guest on

You can see a clip of the segment here.
And cheers to you, Portland!
But Most Importantly...
I hope that, when you take time to consider your blessings on this weekend's holiday, you discover that there are too many to list. I know that when I think about the things in my life for which I'm grateful, you will be among them.
Sending huge Thanksgiving hugs to each and every one of you!
Now go tie on that feedbag and, this year, really put your back into it!

I AM going to throw my back in it.
Great post at Scary Mommy's. These definitions just keep comin' don't they?
Chicktionary: The Mini Series!
You know your post at ScaryMommy? Makes me think how much I miss having a friend like you in real life.
You're a funny, snarky, bitingly clever woman.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. So happy I've met you.
I'll have to go over to her site to see your post. Congrats on all the great press your book is getting and being able to do all of these appearances.
There ARE too many blessings to list...and I'm grateful you are one of them!
Dude, Anna. Thanks for donating to Feeding America, and letting me know you did.
I LOVE your Scary Mommy post. Chicktionary just arrived on my Kindle and I plan to curl up with chocolate and a bit of brandy in bed tonight, door closed, no one admitted but the cats, and laugh myself sick.
Oh, and, what about the Earth Mommy? The one who radiates a placid character better than most cows, never raises her voice no matter what Tiny Tommy is doing to the screaming child beside him, urges asparagus upon him and smiles beatifically when he spits in back in her face claiming that it's good for her skin...
Scary Mommy? Sounds awfully close to home. As in my home. But I can't wait to check it out. Re dinner yesterday, putting back into it--oh, yeah!
Been going back over your blog....hilarious. How can you be a great writer and so pretty?
I hate you. Overachiever!
Been going back over your blog....hilarious. How can you be a great writer and so pretty?
I hate you. Overachiever!
Happy Thanksgiving!
That guest post was hysterical. I know all of those moms and they all hate me. (Kinda self-centered and paranoid of me to say so, but it's true. No. They pity me; that's it.) I think blogging is how we less than perfect moms cope with the whole tribe you described.
I'm still suffering the effects of tryptophan from too much turkey!
Hope your Thanksgiving was as amazing as ours!
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