Thank you so much for having me over to Ann's Rants for Free Association Friday! I had a blast and I hope you like the definitions I wrote.
You are one of my very favorite bloggers, and I'm not just saying that because I think I left my wallet in your laundry room. Really.

On a more serious note, please allow me to apologize once again for the damage to your aquarium. (And carpet. And loveseat.) Who knew a little game of badminton could cause so much trouble, huh? I guess that's why it's traditionally played with a plastic shuttlecock instead of a golf ball like
Anyway, I'm sure when the water-damage people arrived, they were just as impressed as I was with the alluring Jello-O mold you made. It looked like Barbie really was riding that Jet-Ski! Amazing!
Thank you for a lovely time, Ann.
Oops, I almost forgot - you still haven't given me your cell number so we can make arrangements to hang out together all weekend at BlogHer. (Remember when I reminded you a few days ago and you said you couldn't remember the area code? That was funny...) You know how tough it'll be for me to find you without your number, so make sure and get it to me, okay? I just know we'll be inseparable...
Can't wait to see you and thanks again!
Anna, you are so invited to my next indoor golf ball badminton tournament! however, i bet you'd do better at our indoor bowling ball dodgeball challenge.
More wild times in Chicago! Have a great time!
hahaha....HAVE A BLAST!
Have fun in Chicago! Tell Oprah Hi if you see her! I'm not a big fan but...maybe a closet fan! I can't wait to hear the stories you, stay out of trouble!
It's never fun until a fish loses a life.
A good hostess totally knows how to make an awesome jell-O mold (and how to stave off stalkers...)
Have fun at BlogHer -- your panel will be the highlight.
I'll be at Blogher--salon de refuses--too. I'd love to hang out (and drink and look for John Cusack). I've left my cell number in an email to you. Call me.
Meg Who Prefersherfantasylife
Have a great time at the conference. I try never to allow guests to play sports in the house particularly when wielding solid objects.
I have tears in my eyes you funny little beast.
Will be calling you upon arrival.
I am so seriously kicking myself for not going to Blogher! Have a fantastic time!
Avoiding packing...just saw your shuttlecock label. Too too good.
If I use that for FAF would you prefer an imbedded citation or a footnote?
Oh groan...another one of my faves joining the bunch and I'm not there....sigh....have a luvverly time, Anna....give my loving hugs to Ann and Amy and Vodka Mom :)xx
Once in college, we played "taco tennis" in our suite with a case of taco shells (one of the suite-mates worked in the school dining hall and made a major score there) and tennis rackets. It was a shell of a game!
Have fun in Chicago!!
Ahh... reluctant friends. Is there any other kind? Heh. . .
Have a great time in Chicago!
Just as a, uh, hypothetical, any suggestions on what furniture to move for an indoor football game? The line chalk doesn't stick well to any of it anyway.
Teehee, you do have a penchant for leaving houses in need of renovation, don't you? I'll have to try golf ball badminton, it sounds like lots of fun.
Have fun in Chicago and I look forward to the report!
We usually play catch with our golf balls, right in the dining room next to the china cabinet. I think badminton is a much better idea.
Hmmmm...last time I saw a jello mold was at a bachelorette party. It was totally NOT something with Barbie on it, but instead something Ken would very much envy. Gotta love the way jello jiggles!
Have an amazing trip! I wish I could join you!
please tell me no fish were harmed!
hope you have a super fun time in Chicago :)
I hope you're having fun in Chicago! I'm jealous.
Hope you caught up with her in the Windy City!
You're welcome to play indoor golf ballminton anytime at my house! I do draw the line at horizontal horse hockey, those balls are dangerous..
Really fun to read your post about Blogher; it was my first one and I am still processing! Also so glad you joined us at We are so fired up about offering community, support and services to women writers. And there is a very cool humor writers group. :)
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