Monday, October 25, 2010

The Measure of a Man

A Real-Life Limerick

A mommy who tidies a lot,

Found a ruler perched next to the pot.

Did she seek out which treasure

They'd seen fit to measure?

Hell, no, my good sir - she did NOT!

Holiday Greetings That Help

Gearing up to order your holiday cards? If you order them from Paper Culture, they will donate 20% of the sales to Somaly Mam Foundation, an organization dedicated to combating the global sex slave trade. Simply enter the code CA10 at checkout and the donation will be on its way.

And, not only does Paper Culture plant a tree for every order they receive, they even have a free mailing service that will address and send your cards for you - you pay only the postage! Man, I love it when I get to help, celebrate and be lazy - all at the same time!


Lori @ In Pursuit of It All said...

Cause some questions are just better left unanswered.

La Belette Rouge said...

LOL!!!!! Yeah, best not to ask!;-)

Paige said...

i think we all know the answer...

larainydays said...

Loved it.

MOLLYC said...

That was really in there? Perhaps they were measuring the length of their noses? xo molly

Unknown said...

If it was my daughter poop is the answer. 'Poop' (accompanied by teals of laughter,) is the answer to most everything though.

Ordered me up some Paper Culture cards last week. Love their EASY process!

Ann Imig said...

Now THAT's a "Caption this"

tee hee.

Heather said...

I'm just feeling a tiny bit sorry for whomever used that ruler, because it doesn't appear to be even a full 12 inch ruler.

Now, if it had been a *yardstick* ....

(And as Karen said in her comment above, in our house, poop would also, sadly, be the answer. Le sigh.)


Shari said...

Um... so happy for you?

Lee said...

Oh Anna. Love it.

I'm smiling even though I'm so damn tired I can barely move my mouth.


Ash said...

I didn't think it was possible, but you just made me even more fearful of my boys getting older.

Hope you Lysoled that thing.

FreshHell said...

Oh my. One more reason I'm glad I have girls.

Jodie Kash said...

The manfriend tells me he's never measured, proper. Do I believe him?

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Oh my.

HermanTurnip said...

Is my mom still trying to embarrass me with photos from my childhood? When will the torture end?!

Reminder to self: Hunt down the negatives

Alexandra said...

Oh. gosh.

I'm with MarthaPoints. Some things I just don't want the answer to, thank you very much.

Jeanne Estridge said...

You just wiped out all my excuses for not sending holiday cards in one fell swoop.

Anna Lind Thomas said...

Well, I laughed out loud on this one. It made me realize how many things you can measure alone in a bathroom.



Anonymous said...

Loved this post!

Anonymous said...

Loved this post!

MuseSwings said...

At least you didn't find a yardstick.

Fragrant Liar said...

Aaaaaaahahahaha! So much easier with girls. They are automatically measured by cup size and it's all, er, out in the open.

Unknown said...

yup, its best that you dont ask
round zebra rug