You've likely seen articles in fashion magazines that discuss strategies for dressing your particular body contour to its most flattering effect.
These articles often categorize women's body dimensions into geometric shapes, such as the triangle, inverted triangle, rectangle, etc.
This is all well and good until you stand in front of the mirror in your drawers and realize that you're not quite a triangle...nor do you resemble a true rectangle (unless you are willing to spend most of your waking hours hunched over with your ear touching your shoulder, in which case only 50% of your bitchin' new earrings are ever going to see daylight).
Where, then, is the non-standard-shaped woman to turn for crucial fashion advice?
The LJKGW Guide to Advanced Fashion Geometry
The good news: This handy reference guide is sure to talk you down from any shape-related fashion precipice.
The bad news: There will be a quiz every Thursday.
Here we go!
Scalene Triangle
Let's hear it for asymmetry! After all, how many of us can say that all three of our sid


Two words: Clogs + Poncho. Just don't make the obvious mistake of pairing a webbed nylon belt with your quadrilateral figure because that only cuts your profile in
Let's face it: no one pulls off a pantsuit like the rhombus-shaped woman. Whe

Irregular Pentagon
As you may know, the key to fashion is accentuating certain features while strategically drawing focus away from others. This is why the skilled, irregular-pentagon-sh


The nonagon-shaped woman has an advantage over other women in that she can shop for clothes not only among the traditional clothing racks, but also in the table linens department. This comes in especially handy during the holiday season, when the variety of embellished table cloths on display present a chic alternative to the played-out Christmas sweater. During the rest of the year, the nonagon woman can rely on timeless pieces such as the Members Only jacket and quilted opera cape.
Ever fashion-forward, the trapezoid-shaped female most effectively pushes the envelope

We hope you find The LJKGW Guide to Fashion Geometry indispensable as you move through the style seasons to come. (Be advised that we will be adding new shapes to the Guide as soon as we learn them and depending on whether we get into Honors Geometry next semester.)

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read it and [gulp] put in their two cents as well.
Hmmm. What if I'm a quadralateral, but I don't like clogs OR ponchos?
Damn! I can't find my shape anywhere. Not only that, the title is misleading. Where the hell are the trapeze style tips? I'm practicing my double flip dismount and I need something to finish it off with a flourish.
I'm a rhombus!!!
I'm so happy to know that finally, there is a reason why I look like stretched out silly putty in pictures..
I've been dressing as a trapezoid when I'm actually a rhombus.
Oh, Anna Lefler, you just give and give and give.
P.S. Oh, yeah, the comments at worth the click over.
HOLY MACKEREL, people! It's just a post!! A HUMOR post by a HUMOR blogger.
I'm going to stick to fruit, where I have been recognized as a bit of a pear for quite some time.
And your article? I read it and ENJOYED it. The comments? One of the reasons I've never submitted to Salon. Well, that and the fear of rejection.
Salon has really, really changed...
I haven't read the Salon piece yet, but congrats. Thanks for dressing my angles, they have been sadly neglected.
Rhomboidal women can't do jaunty. Just trust us on this.
Anna, the blogosphere has sorely missed you.
I think I'm failing at this type of math!
I knew there was a name for my shape! I think I'm a trapezoid. Well, for today, anyhow. There are some very weird fashions out ther at the moment. I'm all for people trying to find their own style, but do they have to wear everyone else's at the same time?
I think you touched a few nerves with your article, but I agree with you whole-heartedly. I have been thanked for my children's good behaviour. That is rather sad, don't you think? Grateful restaurant owners thankful for a pair of happy children who don't feel the need to see if they can trip up a waitress for entertainment.
So now we can't start saying things like, "From this angle, that skirt is very acute on you?"
i like that i've now gotten confirmation from you that i can wear tablecloths as clothing. thank you.
I like the one that looks like an off kilter coffin. Now I can't remember which shape that was. This is all too confusing for me. But, I did falter terribly in geometry and trig in high school. I'll try not to mix and match the culottes and clogs.
Why am I suddenly reminded of an old Howie Mandel standup bit?
“Everyone’s getting into shape now, so I figured I’d get into shape too. And the shape I’ve chosen is a triangle.”
Howie *with* hair > Howie *without* hair
Hillary Clinton really embraces her rhombus dimensions. I was so terrible at geometry which explains my catastrophic wardrobe. Algebra, though, I brought some calculator heat.
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