Start Your Ovens"
As I sit writing this (wow, that sounds either lah-tee-dah literary or like I'm writing from prison - your call), it is the day before Thanksgiving and I already am beginning to bloat in anticipation of all the food upon which I shall chow (ok, that was definitely literary) in the coming fortnight (paging Jane Austen!).
I have much to be thankful for (I know I dangled it - if I say it the long way it just sounds snooty) and I try to keep my blessings top of mind throughout the year, giving daily thanks for The Biggies such as churros and the health and well-being of my loved ones.
This post, however, goes out to my newest friends - my bloggy loved ones - who, in the few short months since I started this little roadside attraction, have stopped by (some many, many times) to encourage, inspire, entertain and support me. (And, yes, occasionally make me spew Mountain Dew out my nose with laughter.)
So, as I fire the starter pistol and wave the checkered flag o' mirth and we burn rubber into the official holiday season, I want to thank each and every subscriber, follower and commenter for being a part of whatever the hell this is. (Except maybe the guy who left the comment that looked like a comment at first but actually was 50 pounds of HTML directing people to his online lingerie store. Nice try, dude - like in this economy people are buying anything but used lingerie. *snort*)
Please forgive my inability to send each of you an individual shout-out, but I hope you'll enjoy visiting some of the folks who go out of their way to make the blogosphere a place worth visiting.
Since The Outlaws (a much better name than The Inlaws, in my opinion) will be visiting for the holiday and it happens to be Morticia's (not my daughter's real name) birthday as well, I will leave this post up for the long weekend, which I hope will give you time to click on the links and do some worthwhile surfing as you digest Ye Olde Turkeye.
Glitter-Covered Thanks To...
Beth Kephart for not making the highly reasonable assumption that I was an Internet stalker with photos of National Book Award finalists taped up all over the inside of my locker.
Nanny Goats in Panties for not making me drive all the way to Sacramento and violate her personal space to give her the Heimlich maneuver. (Yes, that's how it's spelled. I know, I thought it was "Hind Lick," too! But it's not.)
Blicky Kitty for illuminating Albert Camus' inner Phyllis Diller.
La Belette Rouge for touching me each and every time I visit...but not, you know, in an inappropriate way.
Marinka for teaching me the genius parenting trick of bribing my children with ice cream and Webkinz when I'm trying to pry one of Daddy's secrets out of them.
Happy Meals and Happy Hours for sharing her tips on decorating with huge, blow-up birds wearing hats.
Chelle B. for founding HumorBloggers.com in spite of the fact that it means she'll be spending the rest of her life putting up with a big bunch of freaks who all think they're soooo funny.
Tiffany and Heather at The Secret Is In The Sauce who looked the other way on the 'stache and welcomed me into one of the nicest groups of broads on the 'Net.
Nikkicrumpet, whose blog always makes cry, but only because she keeps posting pictures of glazed doughnuts. (What am I, made of titanium?) Other than that, it's hilarious.
Tug, who is 19 and a fellow enthusiast of "The Knife Show" and who is concerned that if he died suddenly, his legacy would be a lot of "gay" music on his iPod.
MuseSwings, who takes no guff from the other kids waiting to see the orthodontist and who claims to work from an "officette."
Rhea for having the courage to go public about the stuffed animal conspiracy to take over our infrastructure.
Kiki, with her powerful gaucho boot/Lawrence Welk mojo in full effect.
TattooedMinivanMom for putting up posts with titles like "The Gauntlet of Whores" - about people she actually knows.
Always Home and Uncool for having wicked reflexes for catching vomit in his bare hands.
Pseudonymous High School Teacher because, despite the fact that she lives in breathtaking Hawaii, still shows up to class - in a big way.
Larry G, for not letting his enjoyment of cooking on charcoal get in the way of being a true romantic.
HoratioSalt for breaking important satirical news stories such as the fate of Iron Man's rival "Pewter Man."
Braja, who lives in India where there is, surprisingly, not one decent burrito stand.
Eudea-Mamia, who sniffs all the fancy soaps in the soap aisle and calls the items in her underwear drawer her "unmentionables." Wait, I wasn't supposed to mention them. Dang!
CassouletCafe, who's pretty sure she accidentally ate a cat.
The Amusing Muses, who possess loads of qualities both amusing and muse-like.
Tessa, through whose blog I have a secret window into a part of the U.K. countryside so charming that I'm quite sure the rabbits wear velvet waistcoats and carry pocket watches.

[Cartoon created by Rick at Organized Doodles]
Enjoy - thanks again to all of you -
and have a safe and smooth Thanksgiving!
Enjoy - thanks again to all of you -
and have a safe and smooth Thanksgiving!
OMG, thank you! Does it come in extra-huge and edible?!
You're a peach! I'm going to have a good time looking thru these sites. Except my own, of course. I'm not totally narcisstic. Or am I?
Thank you, Anna, for your fantastic blog. Its one I'm always geniunely excited to read every day. That goes for you, too, Marinka.
Anna, In the short time that you've been masterminding whatever the hell this is you've become a sensation. I am honored beyond honored to be part of your life (and massive, and I do mean massive, fan club).
Happy Thanksgiving, 'Stache.
THose are some fantastic friends! I know some of them, and as soon as I get this damn turkey in the oven, I'm off the bloggyland!!!
Have a great turkey day!!
A HUGE Thank You!! I thoroughly admire your site and your incredible writing.
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!
Prison. Definitely! I am thankful today that I left my cereal in the kitchen, otherwise it would be snorted all over my keyboard here in my officette from reading your post. Thank you for the shout out - and thank you for you! You are one brilliant dude, dude.
wow...THAT is gonna be as close to an Oscar that I'll ever win. Just knowing you think I'm hilarious made me puff out my droopy chest and strut around my livingroom. Seriously...I'm so honored! I bet my turkey will even be juicier today...because I'll be cooking with a skip in my step. I'm gonna have to check out all these other fine people. Take care...have a wonderful Thanksgiving day...and many thanks for the bloggy love♥♥♥
You know that post was originally gonna be about you right? Whore?
...no offense
Happy Turkey Carcass Day!
Hope you have a wonderful, peaceful day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thanks for the shout-out!!!! I'm taking the weekend off too... (i think.....I may not be able to stay away....)
You rock, sista!
----->picking jaw up off the floor! Anna, you angel - thank you so much.
Aside: It's me who wears the velvet waistcoats and not one but TWO pocket watches. Not those derned bunnies - they wear Prada. Same as the guy with the horns, y'know.
(Two, because I need one for each hemisphere. Just in case you were wondering.)
thanks, anna. have a terrific holiday.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving week-end.....
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Anna, even the infamous Outlaws.
I love your blog, makes me laugh out loud before I leave for work each morning (which is important that I start off in a good mood considering my line of work)
You have given an LA expat reason to be proud of the homeland.
Gobble Gobble Lefler!
We're stuffin' our bird with ravioli and meatballs. It's the Italian way. Mangia!
Giggle On girl!
I'm totally calling my in laws the "Outlaws" from here on. Did I mention I live 1,000 feet from them?
Happy Thanksgiving, Anna. Yet another great post!
Honored to run the anchor leg in your Thanksgiving blog relay. You like me. You really, really like me!
You're awesome! What a sweet thankful post. I love your blog and look forward to visiting it!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Those reflexes, so good with catching kid puke, will be tested today on myself. I'm already dizzy from the third black-and-tan.
Thanks for the shout and your donation to Cure JM for my daughter. You rock.
You are so freakin' hysterical.
We love you. Stache and all.
Tiffany & Heather
You and I travel in the some of the same circles...thanks to them -and you - I get to laugh (or cry) everyday!
Enjoy your day everyone!
Couple of my faves are on that list so you know I'll have to check out the rest!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Awww, thanks for the shout out, sweetie! I look forward to invading your personal space when I go to L.A. next week!
I'm famous!
Kind of.
Not really. :]
awwww shucks...
its a wonderful world - a thankful is a wonderful place
thanks for the accolades!
you are topsis...
Hey there Anna.
Just wanted to wish you the very happiest of Thanksgivings and to thank you for popping on over to my blog. It meant a lot to me.
I think you're a HOOT!
BTW... It was my wife "The Wife of Riely" that pointed me in your direction. She thinks your the "Bomb Diggity".
Take Care and know that I'll be back here a lot!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love bloggy-buddies too!
Happy Turkey Day! Does your turkey come with it's own stache?
You're not the only one with the outlaws for the holiday. :) Have fun!
What a wonderful post and great way to let me find new reads! Happy Thanksgiving to you and the crew :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, I *love* these! You give me something to do while I'm forgetting to clean the kitchen!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am grateful for so many new blogfriends!
And thanks for following my blog. I hope to keep up with all of you. It's a little daunting sometimes because everyone is so damn funny!
Great... more bloggers that I won't be able to keep up with! J/K if you follow them, I know they are great! I hope you had a GREAT day!
Great list---I need some good reading while I sit. And digest.
Hi Anna....great blog today, I really enjoyed reading it...Hope your day yesterday was filled with calories and someone else to do the dish's......Sue.
Hi Anna - loved your post - it's so nice knowing where to go when I need a good laugh! Hope you're weekend is going great!
You do know, Anna, that holiday dinners contain absolutely no calories. It is against all that is holy. Like broken cookies... you know... all the calories run out. But for all holiday celebratory feasts calories are banished. Eat on and enjoy.
BTW, that includes the leftovers, too.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
mountain dew out your nose? OUCH! the carbonation must burn!! Hope you have a good weekend with the outlaws :)
I'm pretty sure you won't mind that I've plastered your lovely mug all over today's post.
Oooh thanks! Right back atcha. Blicky Kitty finally got around to conferring his awards so there's one with your name on it.
Found your blog thru the great and wonderful MuseSwings and...do you really go to my dentist - I mean who else has sky blue dentist torture seats....???
HI Anna, I'm over from Muse Swings to check you out. It seems like you both have a mutual love fest going on. I'll have to check out some of your other favorites since I'm out of the birdcage for a while.
I already visit many of the sites you listed, and now I have more to check out. Thanks a lot, Anna. Anything to deter me from working on the kitchen remodel I am in the midst of!
Over from SITS, thanks for a great list to puruse - this will continue to make my non-blogging hubby crazy as the laptop is glued to my lap.
Hope you had a fantabulous Thanksgiving weekend!!
There is a lil somethin-somethin for you over at my pad. Go check it out, yo.
And by the way, you complete me.
Oh. Wait. No. Yes. I mean.
Yeah. You rawk my face off.
You have great taste in blogs and I am not saying that just cause I made your list.
And, thanks for clarifying about me not touching you in inappropriate ways--I am not that kind of blogger.;-)
Hope you had a Thanksgiving as cute as you are.
Very funny stuff. I like the blog immensely and will return, someting I'm sure you not appreciate in the long run.
Slowly catching up on my blog family after returning from a holiday trip back East...
Thank you so much, sister! Adore you and your plastic mustache and our parallel lives. And, you don't judge me for eating fast food containing cardboard and other assorted Sanford & Son junkyard remnants.
Geeze, I still owe you that email, don't I? ;-)
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