Sending Warmest Holiday Wishes
From Our House (see arrow)

To Yours.
From Our House (see arrow)

To Yours.
Jonesing for more holiday wishes?
Well, then haul your Christmas ham over to
The Secret Is In The Sauce, where they've got holiday cheer
coming out their holly-embellished wazoos and
(Christmas bonus) you might just win a prize!
Well, then haul your Christmas ham over to
The Secret Is In The Sauce, where they've got holiday cheer
coming out their holly-embellished wazoos and
(Christmas bonus) you might just win a prize!
hee hee...good golly, lit uplike the sun in your hood!
Very Funny :-) You always make me laugh! Happy day to you and good luck :-)
Haha! Yeah, we live down the street from THOSE folks too! Merry SITSmas!
oh how i heart you!!
Merry SITSmas!!
Since today is ALL about giveaways...have you entered my latest giveaway!? it is two posts in on my blog, you won't want to miss it!
Oh man.....I was hoping you wouldn't post a picture of my house!!!
Merry SITsmas to you SISTAH!
Woman? You kill me.
well.. I think I just received my first Christmas card.
The picture sleighed me.
Happy Merry SITSmas!
~Tam :D
Hilarious picture. Merry SITSmas!
That is GREAT! LOL
You are a hoot! I was so surprised you came to my blog... Good luck in you changing life. Nothing like fulfilling your dreams. I'm happy for you. OK>>>>>> so I'm jealous! Nah! kidding, I'm not much for being put in the spotlight. I'm an ole 54 and all my life, I was the speaker, the "one in charge", the Executive and now...I'm ready to enjoy the view from the backseat of the train... Nanette
Bwahahaahah. Merry SITSmas!
Funny post. I think I'm sitting in your kitchen toasting you with some spikey eggnog saying "WHATEVER!" :)
Merry SITSmas!
Ha! That is hilarious. Even better if that really is your house next door to the Christmas Vacation folks. (Yeah, I know there was also that movie with Matthew Broderick and Danny DeVito about Christmas decoration to the extreme, but I only ever saw about 4 minutes of it on HBO and it was awful, so I've blocked the name from my memory. Have to go old-school for my film reference, sorry!)
Anyhow, Merry SITSmas, Happy Holidays and cheers!
Merry Sitmas!
I love a good smart a..! And especially at this time of year. Thanks for the smile and merry SITSmas!
Awesome. Merry SITSmas to you as well!
That's cute!
omg - hope you have shades you can pull down!
HA! Love how festive your neighbor is:) Our house is the non-lit one on the street right now too!
Merry SITSmas!
Merry SITSmas! Have a great day.
LOL reminds me of the griswalds Merry SITSmas
Merry SITSmas! :)
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
Merry SITSmas!
ahh, too funny! Merry Sitsmas!
love the lights
Hope they turn that thing off at a decent hour, lol! Bet their electric bill is crazy! Merry SITmas!
That just makes me think of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
I'm still trying to figure out this SITS thing. Everybody's doing it.
My lands, that is a lot of lights!
merry Christmas!
That is so my style!
Don't need any nightlights in your house! haha
Merry SITSmas!
Wow! I'd hate to be paying that utility bill!! Merry SITSmas!
That's pretty funny!! Merry SITSmas and thanks for stopping by my blog =)
Did you get Mr Linky to work too? Cause he doesn't likeme so much.
I'd hate to have their light bill. GACK.
Merry SITSmas!!!
Here. Have a fruitcake. :)
Wow thats a lot of lights! I love me some christmas light and decorations, but shees thats just too many for this girl.. pretty to look at though..
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
LMAO!! We have a house in our neighborhood that could land the shuttle with all the bells, lights, and whistles!!
Happy SITSmas! Do my wandering eyes spy Homer Simpson in his skeleton costume and the Incredible Hulk too??? That is some Christmas cheer!
I'm really digging the festive UFO...and palm tree...
Merry SITSmas To all..
That is hilarious! Thanks for giving me a good laugh Merry SITSmas!
LOL that is pretty stinkin funny!!!! You "sleigh" (*snort* holiday pun) Me!! Happy, Merry, joyous SITSMAS!
Nothing like having that shining in your windows at night!
Merry SITSmas to ya!
Merry SITSmas!
Another funny post! I love it!
Please tell me that this went up AFTER Thanksgiving? Holy Hannah!
I think they used to live next to me!
So are you sleeping with one of those mask thingies on these days?
Merry SITSmas, and blessings to you all season long!
merrrrrry sitsmas lady!!! :)
Sauce it up lady! Happy Holidays to you and I will also ask Santa to bring me some sauce for Christmas. Thanx for reminding me. BTW I'll be right over. What can I bring?
As always you have me rolling!
Merry Sitsmas!
Just think about how much you are saving in electricity...
Merry SITSmas!
You're too funny! Thanks for cracking me up as well as spreading some holiday cheer my way!
Merry SITSmas!
Thanks for making me laugh!
Merry SITSmas to you.
Thanks Anna - I just spat my drink all over my computer because of you!
Just imagine their electricity bills!
You are saving the earth from greenhouse gasses by not lighting up your house.
You could run a generator off their electricity line and they'd never know it! Hint, Hint
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to
say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
This photo is GREAT!! Love it!! :O) Thanks for stopping by and Merry SITSmas to you :o)
Blicky has our house hooked directly into a nuclear power plant so the whole thing glows. Take that you Christmas decorating overachievers!
You are too funny!!!!!! Oh come on scrooge, I'll come decorate for you, I love it! What a cutie you are! Laughter is the best medicine. I bet your family simply adore you!
I always wondereed what it would be like to live next to THOSE people...with the huge light displays!
This totally put a much needed smile on my face!
I didn't know I lived next door to you! I'll try to tone it down a little next year ;P
Please tell me it plays music too!?!
I LOVE it. Especially since they're not my neighbors.
SPF 50+.
Oh I totally missed you on SITSmas, so Merry SITSmas to you. Youa re one awesomely (I think I may have made up a new word) funny lady.
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