Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everything I Need to Know About Life...

...I Learned From Gomez*

1. Do your research.
2. Keep a positive mental attitude.
3. Wear deodorant.

* Not my son's real name.


Cheryl said...

Did you buy him that 1950s book? If you did, you are the coolest mom ever.

larainydays said...

I'm so sad his real name isn't Gomez.

Pearl said...

I just may insist on calling him "Gomez". :-)

And those three things? Yep. That'll do.


Jayne Martin said...

Works for me. At my age, three things is about all I can remember.

hokgardner said...

Sounds pretty complete to me!

Fragrant Liar said...

I like that he's so positive. And that he only has three things to keep him so positive? That's just like a guy. It's when those three things turn into girls, girls, girls that you have to worry.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

adorable, my friend.

Alexandra said...

Oh. so very much like our house.

We have the Axe, we have a 1969 paperback booklet I picked up at a Street Fair called, "How to Win At Football."

Anonymous said...

Whahahahaha... Angel Boy tells me it's all about SMS (which for anyone over 18 means short message system, but for teenage boys...)
SMS stands for Smell (dont' stink & wear Deodorant) Manners (get some) and Self (be yourself and have self respec).

Erin said...

Gomez Lefler is a really strong name.

Ann Imig said...

That Axe is yours. Admit it.

Beth Kephart said...

Gomez it is. :)

Jeanne Estridge said...

Because his real name is Pugsley.

Gomez is your husband.

HermanTurnip said...

It's easy to discount and belittle deodorant until that fateful day when you get to work only to discover that you failed to apply any when you were prepping yourself that morning.

Deodorant and the humble toothbrush are two of the greatest inventions of all time.

When Pigs Fly said...

For some people, deodorant should be number one on the list.

K A B L O O E Y said...

We were an Axe house until The Big Puppy went to college. And body wash. And face wash. Apparently teenagers need separate liquid soap products for each body part, which is terrible for the environment, pricy and leaves no room for rubber ducks on side of tub. Lose, lose, lose in my book. (Which doesn't exist and thus isn't pink.) Also: I own a book called "How to be Your Own Dick." {Insert joke}